April 2016 TBR

Hello everybody! My name is Starr and this is my first post since starting this wordpress account. This account will be mostly for book reviews as well as series and author views (though those are much later to come).

However today I’d like to instead post my To-Be-Read list for April.

I do have a few books I’d like to get at reading this upcoming month and I’m hoping to get through them all (if not, a majority of them). The first of which is going to be “Cinder” by Marissa Meyer. I’ve heard a lot of good things about this book as well as the other books in the Lunar Chronicles and I’m pretty excited to see how they all turn out. I’m actually reading this book first because myself and my cousin Brandi have both decided to start a small book club (currently we are the only two members), and I got to choose the first book, yay!

The other books in my list include; “Jays Journal” by Anonymous, “The Never List” by Zoethi Kan, “Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes” by Edith Hamilton and “Black-Eyed Suzy” by Susan Shaw.

Only after I picked out these books did I realize I forgot to include either one of the two books that I bought more recently. Whoops.. If I somehow manage to read through all of the books above I’ll probably read one of the two (The first is “All Gone” by Alex Witchel while the other is “She Left Me the Gun” by Emma Brockes). I’m not sure if I will end up reading either of them this month but if not, they will most definitely be on my list for May.

With each book that I read I intend to write an honest review, highlighting the things I liked and disliked about the book and also bringing up some things that may have me stumped or pure speculations and theories about plot gaps or future books (should it be part of a series).

If you think any of that sounds pretty interesting feel free to stick around c:

Sincerely, Starr.

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